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Internship Program

TCU - Rees-Jones Hall

Building Builders

In an effort to prepare the next generation of builders, Linbeck encourages students and those interested in becoming a part of the construction industry to join our internship program. Throughout the course of the program, interns are given the hands-on experiences needed to become professionals in the field. In addition to on-the-job learning, interns are also invited to various events, functions, and training courses to meet fellow Linbeck employees, learn from the experts, and have a little fun.

As an Intern, You Can Expect...

Training and Development
Interns have access to our Safety, Quality and Productivity (SQP) classes that cover various topics, such as change orders, RFIs, and subcontractor procurement.
Interns are assigned to projects in the Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, or Austin/Central Texas areas.

Lunch and Learns: Interns can attend "Lunch and Learns" along with Linbeck employees. These classes typically focus on key processes and software. Interns are encouraged to ask questions and share ideas for continuous improvement.
Jobsite Tours: Each intern conducts a tour of his/her assigned project for the other interns and Client Executives.
Shop Tours: Interns are invited to attend tours of subcontractor shops to learn how subcontractors prepare for projects.
Community Service Initiative: Interns can join Linbeck employees and volunteer for local non-profit organizations, such as Ronald McDonald House, Habitat for Humanity, BARC, and the Houston Food Bank.
Social: Interns are invited to social events, such as bowling, barbecues, baseball games and dinner with a senior manager.


We welcome inquiries about Internships at Linbeck. Please email People Experience to submit your resume for consideration.

If you have an access code, click here to view and apply for a position.
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